Penggunaan dan Pengetahuan Antibiotik pada Ibu-Ibu di Puskesmas Oepoi

  • Novi Winda Lutsina Prodi Sarjana Farmasi


Irrational use of antibiotics is directly related to the possibility of resistance. Increased antibiotic resistance causes increasingly narrow types of antibiotics that can be used. The behavior of antibiotic use in children is different from adults, so parents, especially mothers who are more dominant in taking care of children, must pay attention to the correct rules of taking antibiotics in children.  This study aims to determine the profile of antibiotic use and knowledge among mothers at the Oepoi Public Health Center. The research method used was cross-sectional with non-random accidental sampling. Data on the use and knowledge of antibiotics in mothers at the Oepoi Health Center, namely 84% use of antibiotics is not exactly indicated, 100% have locations to get antibiotics, 95% do not use the right way, 58% do not use the right way to store and 84% do not throw right. Knowledge of mothers in Kupang City Oepoi Health Center related to antibiotics is 46% good knowledge, 26% moderate knowledge and 26% low knowledge.   Keywords: Use, Knowledge, Antibiotics.


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